
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Road to Dyslexia Aware Best Practice....Step 8

Professional Development - Stage 4

The next step was to touch base with teachers at a whole staff meeting and talk through the dyslexia policy and how we might begin on our journey to implement it in the classroom. We talked about the policy in terms of taking "small steps" and broke it down into four areas to tackle -  first, next, then and last.

Three areas that we aim to cover first are:-
1. Using information from the 4D for schools website and other information I have put together a resource for each classroom teacher that will aid them in "noticing" their dyslexic learners and then "adjusting" for their needs in the classroom:-
2. Begin to use Fawcett/Nicolson Dyslexia Screening Test  in Term 3 2010
3. Set up a Learning Support Forum made up of a member of staff from each syndicate. This forum will meet termly and provide a way in which to ensure consistency throughout the school in our approach to becoming fully dyslexia aware.

This meeting provided a great opportunity to rally the troops!

Learning Support....

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